
Then use it in a project:

import listenclosely

Add it to django apps and migrate:

python migrate

Select, install and configure service backend

LISTENCLOSELY_MESSAGE_SERVICE_BACKEND = "listenclosely_telegram.service.TelegramMessageServiceBackend"

Define your agent strategy or define your own:

LISTENCLOSELY_AGENT_STRATEGY = 'listenclosely.strategies.first_free.FirstFreeAgentStrategy'

Add step to your celery app:

from listenclosely.celery import ListenCloselyAppStep

Start your celery app usign gevent:

celery --app=demo_app.celery:app worker -P gevent

Call listen task or define a celery scheduler to execute:

from listenclosely import tasks

NOTE: listenclosely comes with a demo with celery configuration example.

How it works

  • Asker1 is chatting with the Busy Agent
  • Asker2 try to chat but no free Agent was free so is waiting with a Pending chat to be attended by an agent
  • Asker3 is opening a chat and Online Agent will be assigned to the chat

State machines of Agent and Chat:

_images/agent_transitions.png _images/chat_transitions.png